The Reviews Are In!
The Full Monty
“As Jerry’s portly best friend Dave, Kevin High, does an equally commendable job. He and Stokinger have a great chemistry as affable losers. High, who delivers many of the show’s best lines, has great comic timing, but he is also able to display genuine longing and even tenderness.”
Deborah Stone, Northwest News
A Streetcar Named Desire
"Casting Kevin High as Harold Mitchell (one of Stanley Kowalski's poker buddies) was a stroke of near-genius. High is perfect as the Mama's boy with little or no self-esteem whose biggest fear is finding himself alone after his ill mother passes on. His budding romance with the experienced and sensual Blanche left me torn between laughter and embarrassment for Mitch's boyish ineptness."
Bob Hines, Scotts Valley Banner
“Newcomers Kevin High as the overweight Dave and Michael Nicholas as the suicidal mama's boy Malcolm bring deep humanity to their roles and between them provide some of the most touching moments of the evening.”
Alice Kaderlan, Seattle Post Intelligencer
The Full Monty
“Kevin High, as the doughy Dave Bukatinsky, imbues charm and vulnerability into the role of a reluctant sidekick drafted to strip before a screaming audience.”
Warren Kagarise, Issaquah Press
True West
"It takes Lee just one conversation with producer Saul Kimmer, played with bravado and bluster by Kevin High, to land himself a golf game with the mini mogul."
Ben Marks, KQED
Bat Boy
"The town's people want it destroyed but the cautious Sheriff (Kevin High) turns the creature over to the local vet, Dr. Thomas Walker (Mike Padilla). Kevin High gives a winning performance as the careful sheriff."
Richard Connema, TalkinBroadway
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
"Kevin W. High, playing one of three characters, was by his stature and great acting a very believable Senator-- literally caught with his pants down during one of his humorous scenes."
Wayne Kirkbride, Sierra Mountain Times
“(Jerry’s) odd couple, chubby best pal Dave Bukatinsky is warmly brought to ambling life by Kevin High.... The men have most of the best songs in David Yazbek's jazz/rock influenced score, including... Dave and Harold's tender "You Rule My World," and the show-topping comedy number "Big Ass-Rock" in which Jerry and Dave comically mock and subdue a suicidal (Malcolm).”
David-Edward Hughes, TalkinBroadway
Disney's Beauty and the Beast
"Sidekick LeFou (Kevin High) was impishly irrepressible and frequently came close to stealing many scenes."
Nathalie Plotkin, Monterey Herald
As You Like It
“Kevin High’s Ada is Dame Enda delicious”
Mike Buzzelli, eyespyLA on my Ada (Adam)
The Full Monty
“Kevin High, an import from Los Angeles, is clearly an audience favorite as the overweight worker who cannot imagine taking his clothes off in public. His marriage is on the rocks as a result of his layoff and his torment - both comical and touching - is one emotional highlight of the show.”
Milton W. Hamlin, Seattle Gay News
The Full Monty
“Once Dane Stokinger and Kevin High nailed their Man duet, the show took off and never looked back.”
Jum Carroll,